Scent Hurdling UK
Scent Hurdling UK is a new dog sport in the UK; it's like Flyball but with a sniffy difference!
We are Scent Hurdling UK qualified instructors- the first ever qualified instructors!
Most of us have seen or understand the concept of flyball- a race that has a team with four racing dogs that race through a series of jumps to retrieve and return a ball to each dog’s handler. Scent Hurdle racing is like flyball except that, rather than retrieving a ball released by a flyball box, the dog identifies and retrieves a scented dumbbell. The two teams, of four dogs each, run against each other in the relay, over the jumps (hurdles) to reach the dumbbell platform at the end that contains four dumbbells, one of which has the dog’s owner’s scent on it. Once a dog picks up its dumbbell, that dumbbell is replaced with a “dummy” dumbbell so that each dog needs to find its dumbbell out of four options inside the box. The team that gets all four dogs with their dumbbells over the finish line first, wins the race.
Our rules and regulations can be found here.

SHUK is very much in its infancy which is very exciting! We are registered SHUK trainers!
What do you expect when you come to class?
Don't worry, your dog doesn't have to be able to take jumps, retrieve or even know how to scent things this is all taught through your scent hurdle classes. All tasks will be delivered using positive based methods.
You will be given a set task to work on each week in between classes.
In class you will work towards
Your dog being able to differentiate your scent from other scents
Teach your dog to go from you and return over the hurdles
Have your dog bring your dumbbell back over the hurdles
Work with the distraction of the other dogs running. ​
To grow confidence with being handled by other people
To have focus and off leash reliability.
In order to run a safe class
Your dog must be able to cope with other dogs (please message us as we always try and accommodate all dogs)
Be able to have recall around distractions.
You must of completed our foundation life skills course in order to join.
I want to join SHUK and a Scent Hurdling class,Sign me up!